Wheat Free Journey Part IV.

22 05 2012

It is no secret that I like to eat. I enjoy good food, I love cooking, and I love exploring cool places to wine and dine. If you are visiting a certain city that I am familiar with and you ask me what are some of the things to do here, 9 out of 10 times, I would mention what they must eat, before anything else.

But recently I have had a realization that it is about time I start paying attention to my health as well. While my decision to partake in my wheat free journey was more of me accepting a challenge to prove my boyfriend wrong, it really has helped me eat better, despite how many times I cheat, just because I’m more aware of what I’m consuyming. My current wheat free favourite? It is one of the easiest meal you could prepare, one of the healthiest, and definitely, one of the item on the menu that you will keep coming back to this summer!

If I have it my way, smoothies would be my go-to dinner most nights of the week, especially on the nights that I don’t exercise. What I put in them is completely random, based on what is available but here are some of my favourite ingredients:

They justĀ make any smoothies, because of its subtle, yet sweet touch, and its creamy consistency. It just goes with absolutely everything. The problem though? I have to wait for it to ripe first, and since my boyfriend can enjoy his bananas green, he barely leaves any for me. I guess when you snooze, you lose!

Any type of yoghurt (though I prefer vanilla), is a good substitution for when my bananas are not ripe enough, or when my other half finishes itĀ before it ripens. Same idea, they are sweet, with good consistency, extra calcium, and still easy on your body.

Okay, this is a weird one, but a handful of baby spinach is kind of magical. It adds that much more nutrient, gives some depth to the flavour (you really can’t taste the spinach), and it turns anything in to my favourite colour! Gosh, I sure hope my future kids will appreciate the beauty of anything green like me.

Milk is my choice of liquid for when making smoothies. Soy, Skim, 1%, anything goes, and I would love to try almond milk too. I’m a little against using water.. And since I use frozen fruits most of the time, I don’t even need that extra ice!

Other than that, I just put in whatever types of fruit I find in the fridge or the freezer, usually a mix of berries, mangoes, or peaches. I have once tried using chopped Granny Smith apple as the main fruit, and I was surprised by how well it blended! I wasn’t a big fan of its consistency though, it was somewhat grainy (hehe, get it?). The two ingredients that I would love to try right now is matcha powder, and soft tofu!! Okay, maybe the soft tofu might be a little weird, but don’t you think it could work?? And maybe oatmeal. Apparently it’s quite common to mix oatmeal in to smoothies now?

There is so much beauty in seeing so many layers of fruits in your blender, don’t you think?

Did I also mention how you absolutely don’t need any extra sweeteners? Not even after you add a handful of green leafy spinach! A lot of people put extra seeds or powders in it, but I like mine au naturale. Yum.